
Aug 25th, 2009 Indie, Instrumental, Post-Rock, Shoegazer steve 1 min read

To be truthful, I rely on the RIYL picks to do a lot of the work for me. I could go on and on about a band, but if you know your shit like most of you do — and know the bands I use as similar recommendations — than really there’s no reason to read this. And today’s post is probably the best use…

Fink (Cinematic Orchestra Remix)

Aug 10th, 2009 Downtempo, Folk/Acoustic steve 1 min read

I can’t say that I’ve been a huge fan of the “acoustic pop/folk” thing as it always seems to remind me of the James Blunt/John Meyer frenzy over the last decade or so. Of course, we can go way before that for generations of solid folk music, but often, when that lone troubadour is paired up with a backing band, the result comes perilously close…

Polvo: Back with a Bowl

Jun 18th, 2009 Indie steve 1 min read

It’s not often that bands break up and reunite over a decade later without some kind of clear financial motivation. Sure Polvo have had their share of shows over the last year in some of the biggest festivals around (they killed it at ATP), but after listening to their newest track “Beggars Bowl” — which will  instantly register with fans longing for a sound that…